Horizontal Pressure Leaf Filters
Durco Filters Horizontal Pressure Leaf Filters are ideal for batch process applications requiring high flow rates with low solids removal.
The horizontal vessel orientation is the most common type of pressure leaf filter. This arrangement allows for the greatest filtration area. Vessel sizes are available up to 84 inches in diameter providing up to 3,600 sq. ft. of filtration area. All horizontal filters use vertical filter leaves.Our filters are custom built & optimized for each application, and are specifically engineered to operate with the minimum amount of maintenance.
Horizontal pressure leaf filters are available in two basic types:
Dry Cake Discharge (Type DHC)
- Used when cake either needs to be recovered or when cake can be disposed of as a solid
- Vessels can be fitted with either swing bolt closures or Quick Opening Closures (QOC) to facilitate filter cake discharge.
Wet Cake Discharge (Type HC)
- Used when cake can be disposed of as a liquid
- Cake can be sent to filter press for dewatering
- DuraSluice™ sluicing system washes cake from leaves using a rotating spray header
Design Features and Benefits
Retractable Shell
- Eliminates interior wheels and tracks for filters up to 600 or more sq ft in size, depending on the material filtered
- Minimizes corrosion problems
- Allows entire filter leaf bundle to be fully exposed for inspection and maintenance
- Operator protected from discharge area
- No discharge pit needed in front of filter like with retractable bundle filters
- No process piping breaks required to open vessel
Large Filtration Capacity
- Up to 3,600 sq. ft. filtration area per vessel
- Multiple vessels can be combined
- Fixed footprint - no retractable bundle

Permanent Filter Leaves
- No replaceable media for lower operating costs
- Metal screen or polypropylene plastic with cloth coverings and pre-coated to achieve sub-micron retention
- Leaves attach to an outlet manifold with a gasket and O-ring ensuring no bypass
- Filter Leaves can be inspected and serviced individually
Process Piping Connected to Stationary Section
- No need to disconnect piping to open filter
- Reduced operator involvement

No process piping breaks required to open vessel